Museum - October to April pre-booked tours only. Office - open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

Il y a tant d'équipes extraordinaires dans tout le pays, des plus jeunes équipes de t-ball aux équipes les plus compétitives. C'est l'occasion pour ces équipes qui travaillent si fort tout au long de la saison d'être reconnues pour leurs efforts et leurs réalisations!

Équipe vedette

Lucan Ilderton Athletics 11U Select

It’s our last Team of the Week for the 2025 season, and what a wonderful group to end the year on!

This week’s Team of the Week is the Lucan Ilderton Athletics 11U Select! 

According to their nomination, “This team deserves recognition for their unwavering dedication, teamwork, and perseverance throughout the season.” The Lucan
Ilderton Athletics 11U Select faced many difficult adversaries as they competed in the London District Baseball Association this season, but they used the opportunities to steadily improve their own game. This group also demonstrated that camaraderie is just as necessary as talent on a baseball team. The players
learned to encourage and support one another through both successes and challenges, which “created a strong bond that fuelled their success.” With such important attributes already understood, there will be no stopping this 11U team as they continue to grow and improve together. 

Congratulations to the Lucan Ilderton Athletics 11U Select on your many accomplishments this season, and good luck next year! 

Team of the Week nominations are now closed for the 2024 season. In the spring nominations will open again for the 2025 season. Congratulations to all of the teams who were featured this year!

Aimeriez-vous voir votre équipe en vedette? Complétez le formulaire de nomination dont le lien se trouve ci-dessous. Les équipes de la semaine seront présentées sur notre site web et sur nos réseaux sociaux. Si vous croyez que la votre doit être présentée, nous le pensons aussi! Envoyez-nous les détails dans le formulaire de nomination et surveillez nos réseaux sociaux... peut-être y serez-vous?