Il y a tant d'équipes extraordinaires dans tout le pays, des plus jeunes équipes de t-ball aux équipes les plus compétitives. C'est l'occasion pour ces équipes qui travaillent si fort tout au long de la saison d'être reconnues pour leurs efforts et leurs réalisations!

Équipe vedette

Metro Brewers

This week’s Team of the Week is the Metro Brewers of the Nova Scotia Senior Baseball League! 

In 2022 the Brewers became the first new team to join the NSSBL in over 30 years. With approval for the expansion coming only a couple of months before the start of the 2022 season, coaches, managers and players had to quickly learn to work as a team, scrambling for everything from practice time to sponsorships to uniforms. Not only was the team new, but many of the players were new to the league as well, and they had to work hard to prove themselves. In their first two seasons in the league the Brewers had losing records and missed out on the playoffs. In 2024, following an offseason spent training relentlessly in the gym and batting cage, the Brewers have returned with a force. They are now chasing first place. The Brewers have persevered through the growing pains of a new team, and they have done so with class. According to their nomination, “The bond shared by the team is a reminder of all that is good in baseball. They never let adversity affect them and battle to the end.”

Congratulations to the Metro Brewers on your remarkable start to 2024, and good luck with the remainder of your season! Let’s go, Brewers!

Now Accepting Nominations for team of the week!

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