2025 Inductees announced February 6. Museum - October to April pre-booked tours only. Office - open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.


The Opening Pitch – An Exclusive Reception to Launch Induction Week – 75% SOLD OUT

Join the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum for this exciting new event to kick off the 2017 Induction weekend. On Thursday, June 22 at the Miller Thomson LLP Toronto office (40 King St. W.) we will be hosting an exclusive reception featuring “conversations with excellence” with our 2017 Inductees including Toronto Blue Jays legend Roy Halladay, Montreal Expos great Vladimir Guerrero, past Baseball Canada president Ray Carter and members of Team Canada 2015.

The reception will take place from 5:30-7:30pm and only 140 tickets will be available.  The cost is $225 per ticket. Click this link https://theopeningpitch.eventbrite.ca to purchase tickets. The reception will include an open bar and hors d’oeuvres. Past Inductees also scheduled to appear include Fergie Jenkins, Pat Hentgen, Paul Beeston, Don McDougall, Howard Starkman, Bob Elliott and Ron Taylor.

Other events during Induction weekend include our 21st annual Celebrity Golf Classic and Banquet on June 23 in St. Marys and the Cérémonie d'intronisation at the Hall of Fame on June 24.