2025 Inductees announced February 6. Museum - October to April pre-booked tours only. Office - open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.


Signed out of high school by the Montreal Expos in 1972, Gary Carter spent 17 years with the franchise, including three seasons in the minors, 11 in the majors and three as a broadcaster. Nicknamed “The Kid” for his boyish enthusiasm for the game, Carter belted 220 home runs as an Expo (3rd on the Expos all-time list) in 1,502 games with the club (2nd on the Expos all-time list), and was named the team’s Player of the Year four times.

Le populaire joueur a participé à un total de 11 matchs des étoiles, recevant le titre de joueur par excellence de la partie à deux reprises (1981 et 1984), et a gagné trois gants dorés ainsi que cinq bâtons d’argent. Il détient également le record dans la Ligue nationale pour le plus de matchs disputés au poste de receveur (2056).

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