Class of 2025 is Jose Bautista, Erik Bedard, Greg Hamilton, Amanda Asay, Arleene Noga and Gerry Snyder. Museum - October to April pre-booked tours only. Office - open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.


The Centre for Canadian Baseball Research will be hosting the third annual Canadian Baseball History Conference will be held the weekend of November 3rd and 4th in London, Ontario, home of venerable Labatt Park. Join us for a day and a half of research presentations and panel discussion covering a wide range of topics relating to baseball’s historical development in Canada, and for a walking tour of the ballpark, the world’s oldest.

Presentations include:

-Jack Calder: Documentarian of the 1934 Chatham Coloured All-Stars
-A Second Strike: Baseball and the Canadian Armed Forces During World War Two
-Special Presentation: Radio Recreation of the Championship Game of the 1877 International Association
-Mascots in Canadian Baseball
-The Ontario League of 1930: How a bunch of semi-pro ballplayers from Pennsylvania became a professional league in Canada
-From a Researcher’s Notebook
-What is Archived is Not Lost: Researching Baseball in London, Ontario
-How Good Was the Fabled ManDak League?
-For Argument’s Sake: The Case for London’s Labatt Park Against Its Challengers for the -Distinction of Being the World’s Oldest, Continuously Operated Ballpark
-James “Tip” O’Neill, the Woodstock Wonder
-History of Baseball as Depicted in Postage Stamps
-Birth of the Blue Jays
-Montreal Royals Vignettes II
-The (Batting) Order of Canada: Canadians in MLB Batting Orders From 1930 To Present Day
-Changing the Narrative

There are 14 confirmed presentations on a wide variety of topics, in addition to a special session featuring a radio recreation of the championship game of the 1877 International Association season between the London Tecumsehs and the Alleghenys of Pittsburgh.

Lire la suite cliquez ici.