Class of 2025 is Jose Bautista, Erik Bedard, Greg Hamilton, Amanda Asay, Arleene Noga and Gerry Snyder. Museum - October to April pre-booked tours only. Office - open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.


The Stonetown is an apt moniker for St. Marys, as it is filled with architecture featuring locally quarried limestone.

These stone buildings reveal much about the town’s history and development.

We invite you to explore the buildings of St. Marys during Doors Open 2017 on Saturday, September 30 starting at 10am.  Visit the information tent on Queen Street in front of the Town Hall to pick up your local event map, community information or to have your questions answered.

Admission is FREE at all locations!

Locations include: Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame, Andrew L. Hodges Funeral Home, David Harrison House, First Baptist Church, Holy Name of Mary Roman Catholic Church, Mathieson House, St. James Anglican Church, St. Marys Junction Station, St. Marys Museum, St. Marys Presbyterian Church, St. Marys Public Library, St. Marys Town Hall, St. Marys Train Station, St. Marys United Church and the Westover Inn.

More information click HERE.