
Old Ontario at Bat

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Old Ontario at Bat: An Unheralded Ancestry

The generally accepted belief about baseball’s North American development is that it is an American game, a product of purely American ingenuity and invention, exported to Canada as a finished product. In his book Old Ontario at Bat, historian Bill Humber begs to differ. He argues instead that in Canada (and in the 19th century baseball hotbed of southwestern Ontario in particular), the steps in the game’s evolutionary process were of a Canadian agency, largely independent of American influence. His book propounds this viewpoint as baseball’s unheralded ancestry, busting myths and clarifying understanding along the way.

The book is the result of decades of research into the game’s origins and development in Canada. It is available now from the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame at a cost of $29.95 plus shipping. Published by the Centre for Canadian Baseball Research. 364 pages.