Class of 2025 is Jose Bautista, Erik Bedard, Greg Hamilton, Amanda Asay, Arleene Noga and Gerry Snyder. Museum - October to April pre-booked tours only. Office - open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.


Nationals announce Ring of Honor

Calvin GriffithGary CarterAlong with recognizing Montreal Expos Hall of Famer Andre Dawson tonight, the Nationals will unveil tribute to players associated with Washington baseball with a Ring of Honor high above the field at Nationals Park behind home plate.

The Nationals worked with the National Baseball Hall of Fame to develop the three criteria to honor players:

1. The player had to be elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

2. The player had to have played with the Washington Nationals, Washington Senators, Homestead Grays or Montreal Expos.

3. The player had to have played significant years with those teams.

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