Class of 2025 is Jose Bautista, Erik Bedard, Greg Hamilton, Amanda Asay, Arleene Noga and Gerry Snyder. Museum - October to April pre-booked tours only. Office - open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

King Field Vandalized

King Field Vandalized

This past Friday night the outfield at King Field was extensively damaged by someone gaining access to the field through the tractor gate with their vehicle.

This vandalism to our newest field will cost thousands to fix, delay the start of the ball season and will create long-lasting poor field conditions. King Field is host to more than 10,000 players annually, young and old, as part of St. Marys Minor Ball, St. Marys Slo-pitch and many out of town teams who come to enjoy a unique experience by playing on one of the nicest fields in Ontario while visiting the Hall of Fame in St. Marys.

We are working with local community groups on our plans to rebuild.  If you are personally interested we would ask you to consider making a donation to help us repair the damage to King Field and assist in making the site more secure in the future.  If you are a company that would like to donate your time and expertise as we make the repairs we would love to talk with you.

To make a donation, please click HERE.

Watch CTV News report HERE.

The local police and Crime Stoppers have been notified and if anyone has any information please let them know at 519-271-4141 or 1-800-222-TIPS.

4 Responses

  1. I think there should be a fund to raise money for a reward for the arrest and conviction who are responsible

  2. is there a move to raise money for a reward for information to the arrest and conviction for those responsible.
    very likely this local individuals. St Mary is a small beutifull community and word getsaround in a huury and sure people know who did this. Why should the tax payer pay for the damages. The indiviulas responible should pay and dearly including the vehicles inpounded and community service or jail time.
    The community service would be supervised work on maintaining the very town property they damaged.

  3. Will the fundraiser continue or be modified now that the guilty parties have turned themselves in and met with Hall of Fame personnel and police?

    1. It will continue as we not only want to fix the field, but we want to secure the site better.